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Mayan Adventures.

Jungle Maya All Tour Native

Vince and I explored Tulum and the Sac-Actun cenote system: the world longest underground river. We snorkeled in the Nohoch Nah Chiich cavern, surrounded by awesome rock formations and millenary stalactites and stalagmites. We rode through the Mayan rain forest on an all-terrain Mercedes Benz Unimogs. Rappelled into a beautiful cenote and swam in Yaxmuul, a unique natural pool. Enjoyed nature flying over the jungle’s foliage on exciting zip-lines and discovered a mystic cenote where we participated in a traditional Maya purification ceremony.

What an incredible experience for Vince and I. Both of us owning a passport but never having the opportunity to use them until now. Our first adventure out of the country, our first real adventure traveling together and getting to experience so many new and exciting things together as a married couple. We are very much looking forward to the many adventures we will encounter during our lifetime together. Life isn’t easy, it definitely has its ups and downs, but I can tell you one thing for sure: I cannot wait to live out this life with Vince by my side.

Beyond thankful for every instance of this crazy, beautiful life!

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